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3 Step Easy Skincare Routine for Men | Skin Actives

3 Step Easy Skincare Routine for Men | Skin Actives

Posted by Dr. Hannah Sivak and Brendan Leonard on Feb 2nd 2021

Is that a controversial thing to say? 

When you look around, it seems like men are winning in countless ways. But skincare is a battle men are losing in a big way.

Why is this?

Skincare is often conflated with the concept of beauty. At Skin Actives Scientific, we believe that all bodies are beautiful. If you are trying to maintain your beauty, good for you, but the best way to do it is through our primary mission: skin health.

Now, more than ever, health is front and center in our lives. Whether we’re looking at the effects of the global epidemic, or we’re taking care of our minds and bodies as we work from home, health is something that drives all of us. We have the potential to live longer, healthier lives than at any point in human history, and that goes for men too.

So as men become more aware of their skin as a vital component of their bodies necessary for health, Skin Actives is here with our selection of world-class products to help with every concern imaginable.

3 Things Men Can Do

Free radicals are the number one cause of physical aging, and they are coming at us from all directions. Our skin is taking damage from them every day via the sun and pollution in the air. Reducing physical aging starts with reducing free radical exposure, and this is something that every man can do.

1.) Start a Daily Routine

You have to start somewhere, right? What a lot of men fail to understand is that a daily routine need not be a huge time commitment. Really, just adding a couple of steps to your morning and evening rituals will dramatically influence the quality of your skin. The increase in skin health outweighs the investment in time in a seriously imbalanced way. Look below to find a starter skincare routine made just for men!

2.) Put on Sunscreen

Men get taught macho thinking starting at an early age. The idea, “I don’t need that” is pretty endemic in the male community. Truth is, you do need it. Damage from the sun causes more than just hyperpigmentation and wrinkles. It can lead to cancer and a lot of time spent in the doctor’s office. Skip all of that by putting on some sunscreen. Sunscreen “too heavy” for your face? Our Anti-Aging Cream with SPF 30 goes on light and does double duty, reversing the signs of aging and blocking out new damage from the sun.

3.) Quit Smoking

This might seem like a big ask in the name of skincare but, the World Health Organization still identifies smoking as a concern for males who are traditionally singled out by advertisers as the target community for tobacco. Between 20 and 40% of males in America and Europe still smoke. And while this number has been trending downwards for years, a staggering 1 billion men still smoke worldwide! 

Not only does smoking lead to premature death, sickness and sexual problems, it is terrible for your skin. The carcinogen filled smoke that drifts from the end of a cigarette is absolutely brimming with the kind of free radicals that are destroying your skin, and causing wrinkles. The health benefits to quitting smoking cover your entire body, but are visible on your skin most readily.

Men’s Routine

Below you’ll find a skin routine designed just for men. We’ve found that not only does this one work very well, but men will continue doing it and stay the course long enough to see results.

First - Start by mixing a vial of Skin Actives’ Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) into our Hyaluronic Acid Serum. The EGF will kick start the cellular activity you want to see to refresh your dermal layer, while the Hyaluronic Acid Serum will hydrate for long term results. This nutrient-dense formula will feed your skin what it needs to take care of you, now that you are taking care of it!

Next - Apply Eye Cream with ROS BioNet™ and Apocynin to the area around your eyes. You’ve been noticing those lines forming and wrinkles getting deeper for a while now, but haven’t done anything about it. Well, there is no time like the present. Our Eye Cream is rich in antioxidants that will scour free radicals from your skin, working to alleviate lines and wrinkles!

Before Bed - Now, before you hit the sack, you’ll want to repeat the first two steps, but that’s no big deal because they are so easy, right? Almost no time at all. As you are getting ready to head off to dreamland, put on a layer of Vitamin A Cream to work on cellular turnover while you sleep, plus still feeding your skin the nutrients it deserves. Vitamin A is reactive to sunlight though, so you’ll want to limit the use of this product to before bed when the sun is down.

Bonus Round - You didn’t think that we were going to let you forget the sunscreen did you? If you wear short sleeves our SPF 30 Advanced Protection Sunscreen is great for your arms and legs. Meanwhile, you can lock in your progress with our Anti-Aging Day Cream and it’s so light you won’t feel a thing. We promise!