Protect Your Skin From The Outside World(Post)
What is Pollution? That’s a nasty word. It probably summons up ominous images into our minds, but we don’t know exactly what it means. In its broadest possible terms, pollution means contamination t ...
Skin Actives Advanced Ageless and Advanced Restoration: The Experiment Continues(Post)At Skin Actives Scientific we’re committed to science. As dedicated readers of the blog are well aware, science is a process. It is an act of observation and experimentation that continu ...
ROS* BioNet: The Best Antioxidants All In One Place(Post)Oxygen is quite clearly a good thing. Good for human life that is. Even in this era of, let’s say, competing information sources, you’d be hard pressed to find someone who would deny that ...
Celebrate Your Inner Beauty and Enjoy The Skin You’re In!(Post)Shop now with 20% off select items from Skin Actives Scientific!Use discount code InnerBeauty20 at checkout!We all know the importance of high-quality skin care that includes ingredients that work, ...
The Best Skincare For Your 50s & Beyond(Post)Nearly 5 years ago, Skin Actives launched our iconic Advanced Ageless line, specifically created for mature skin, hair, and nails. Skin Actives has forever been at the forefront of skincare innovatio ...
What is Glutathione And How Should It Be Used? | Skin Actives(Post)What is Glutathione? L-Glutathione is a tripeptide composed of amino acids. Glutathione (GSH) is part of the antioxidant defense system of the cell, together with superoxide dismutase, catalase, glu ...
What is Glutathione?(Post)Skin Actives Scientific is a different kind of company. For instance, a few years back, the marketing team sat down with our founders, Jonatan and Dr. Hannah Sivak, to really drill down on what the m ...
Fading Dark Spots. What is possible and what is not. | Skin Actives(Post)Where are those pesky dark spots coming from? The answer is: they are a result of our skin protesting UV radiation, which contains more energy than the skin can cope with. The excess energy da ...
Skin Actives Launched New Advanced Ageless Line(Post)Targeted Line of Rejuvenating Products for Skin, Hair and Nails Skin Actives Scientific has dedicated itself to continual innovation in the skin care industry since its inception in 2006. Our formul ...
Proteins in Skincare Explained | Skin Actives(Post)Proteins in skincare are hot commodities right now. That’s great! We’re excited by all the current innovations in the field of skincare. But with all this new jargon, there can also ...
Key Actives For Eyebrow Growth Without Side Effects | Skin Actives(Post)Eyebrow fashion has changed a lot in recent memory, but there is one constant that remains: there is ALWAYS going to be a fashion trend that involves eyebrows. Scroll through Instagram really quickly ...
Revolutionizing Skincare with Superoxide Dismutase (SOD)(Post)As we deepen our scientific understanding of skin health, one critical factor emerges - the detrimental impact of pollution. Our skin is under constant assault from environmental aggressors, and this ...