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5 Reasons To Use A Workout Relief Cream Even When You Don't Workout | Skin Actives

5 Reasons To Use A Workout Relief Cream Even When You Don't Workout | Skin Actives

Posted by Dr. Hannah Sivak and Brendan Leonard on Sep 22nd 2020

Remember when the first lockdowns started, there was that news footage of this cute old lady named Shirley Nash that circulated around. It was from a snowstorm a year or so previous, but a news anchor somewhere asked her what she was going to do to weather it out. Her response was “ bread and desserts and get all fat and sassy!”

And that has become, for a lot of people, how we are getting through the COVID crisis. We’re staying inside, eating bread and desserts and getting fat and sassy! Overall, Americans are shopping for more food, with grocery sales up a staggering 36% across the board. And not all of that behavior can be attributed to stockpiling. A study in June of 2020 showed that comfort foods in particular are on the rise with a 20% year-to-date increase in cookies, a nearly 15% increase in “salty snacks” and an almost 12% increase in “cheese snacks”. 

Those numbers would be incredible in an otherwise normal year!

But as the calendar pages continue to turn, some people are deciding to take the opportunity to go in another direction. If you can’t GO out, you might as well WORK out!

Home gym equipment is perpetually sold out nationwide as production struggles to keep up with the demand from people moving their fitness routines indoors and taking this chance to get into the shape they’re always wanted. Less driving means less looking out the window and seeing billboards for cheap pizzas! And now with the holidays on the horizon once again, there is no better time to start working out.

As always, Skin Actives Scientific is here for you! Our Post Workout Cream is one of our perennial unsung heroes. Make it part of your new workout commitment with these tips below!

The Top Five Reasons to Use Skin Actives Post Workout Cream!

  1. Sore Muscles! This one is a no brainer. If you’ve ever worked out you are familiar with Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. It occurs when lactic acid washes over the micro tears your workout makes in your muscle fibers and it’s integral to generating new muscle growth. But that doesn’t make it hurt any less! If you want some relief from that stiff sore feeling, soothe those aches and pains with the topical application of our Post Workout Cream!
  2. Tender Joints! Impact strain is a real thing. Very few of us have the super-limber joints we had when we were kids. Running, jumping, even lifting, all take a toll on your joints. Don’t be afraid to apply some workout cream to your joints as well.
  3. Restless Sleep! The first thing a personal trainer will tell you is you have to eat right and get a full night’s sleep if you want to make your gains. But it’s hard to sleep when you are in pain! If the soreness of your workout wakes you in the night you can put it to sleep with our cream. Or, apply before bed and help yourself drift off to a well-earned rest.
  4. Inflammation! Working out is, by definition, a stressor. Stress can lead to inflammation and that inflammation can make doing even the easy things in your life hard! Good thing Post Workout Cream fights that too.
  5. Scentless Formula! All the muscle soothing, joint-ache addressing products you’ve tried before smell terrible. You know it, and we know it too. There is something that makes the whole process of healing worse when you have to apply those strange and noxious smelling balms. Our Post Workout Cream is formulated to be scentless and keep away those painful associations with bad smells. You’ll also be able to slip into bed at night after a workout, without your partner wrinkling their nose at you!

You Don’t Even Have to Workout

If you’ve read everything above and are thinking to yourself: “I can relate to a lot of that, but I don’t work out.” Don’t sweat it, literally! Post Workout Cream is formulated to address the above concerns and that is for everyone. If you are struggling with soreness, inflammation or aches and pains from any source, give Post Workout Cream a try and see what it can do for you. We think you will be pleasantly surprised!

How Does Post Workout Cream, You Know...Work?

We know you love to learn. Here are are just some of the active ingredients that make Post Workout Cream work for you:

  • Squalane. Loss of skin lipids (oils) result in an increased water loss and increased penetration of harmful compounds.  Use of squalane should alleviate skin dryness and sensitivity. Used it to repair damaged skin or to maintain healthy skin.
  • Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA).  GABA is a non-essential amino acid necessary for brain metabolism. According to recent research GABA helps prevent anxiety and works in the body much like a natural tranquilizer.  
  • N-Acetyl Glucosamine. Glucosamine has anti-inflammatory properties and may help cartilage regeneration. Like chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine is a natural chemical found in healthy cartilage, particularly in the fluid around the joints. 
  • Chondroitin sulfate is an important constituent of cartilage and its topical application may help with pain caused by arthritis.  Glucosamine and chondroitin have anti-inflammatory properties. 
  • Cetyl Myristoleate. This chemical may have anti-inflammatory activity in arthritis.
  • The antioxidant squad: tocotrienols, tocopherols, astaxanthin, lycopene, xanthophyll, R-alpha lipoic acid, beta carotene. Redox stress leads to inflammation and muscle injury. This group of low molecular antioxidants will help protect your muscles from inflammation.

Complement the action of Post Workout Cream with Ultra-Calming Cream, also from Skin Actives!

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