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New, Improved Alpha Beta Exfoliant, Now Formulated with Glycolic Acid

New, Improved Alpha Beta Exfoliant, Now Formulated with Glycolic Acid

Posted by Mack Leonard on Mar 24th 2022

At Skin Actives, we make an effort never to rest on past successes. Part of our ethos is to be continuously evolving: in our product offerings, in our values, and most of all, in our skin care formulations. Even if our customers are satisfied with one of our products, we continue to search for ways to serve them better. This was the case with our Alpha-Beta Exfoliant. 

Since its release, Alpha-Beta Exfoliant’s remarkable mix of lightly exfoliating properties with a broad tolerance among skin types has been a certified hit with customers. On our website, it garnered an impressive 4.7 out of 5 star rating averaged over dozens of reviews. Our founder, Hannah Sivak, PhD, raved about it for years in blog posts. With a product this well-received, many companies would overlook chances to refine it. 

But not Skin Actives Scientific. Never content to rest on our laurels, we looked back at our Alpha-Beta Exfoliant and decided to push it one step further. Today, we’re proud to announce the fruit of our efforts: our new Glycolic Alpha-Beta Exfoliant.

Refining a Classic Formula: New Glycolic Acid Exfoliant

Before users of the original version begin to miss their cherished favorite, let us make clear: Glycolic Alpha-Beta Exfoliant stays true to its predecessor’s roots. A key selling point of the original version was that it did not contain alcohol, minimizing its chances of causing dryness or irritation. This remains true. Glycolic Alpha-Beta Exfoliant retains the same pore-clearing, hydrating, revivifying properties as the original, but with a few targeted refinements meant to enhance its exfoliating potential. 

As before, Glycolic Alpha-Beta Exfoliant promotes a softer, smoother skin texture while wiping away dead skin cells. This helps keep pores clear and minimize their visibility. At the same time, the rich composition of the formula, including jojoba oil, rosehip oil, and pomegranate oil, ensures a plentifully hydrating effect–always a desirable outcome when seeking to retain the skin’s youthful appearance. Where Glycolic Alpha-Beta Exfoliant stands apart is a subtle distinction in the ingredients supporting its exfoliating mechanism.

The Best Acids for Exfoliation

The original Alpha-Beta Exfoliant functioned by including acids from two separate groups: alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA) in the form of lactic acid, and beta-hydroxy acids (BHA) in the form of salicylic acid (hence ‘Alpha-Beta’ in its name). While the details of this interaction on a chemical level are complex, suffice to say that the dual-acting nature of this combination enabled us to achieve a balance between effective exfoliation and skin tolerability.

With today’s release, we have refined that balance with the inclusion of glycolic acid. Keep in mind, the acid groups present in the formula remain the same: exfoliation is achieved by a mix of AHA and BHA. This is still an Alpha-Beta Exfoliant. Only the composition of the AHA group has changed. Instead of the AHA component consisting solely of lactic acid, we are now delivering both lactic acid and glycolic acid.

Why make this change now? Based on a large volume of customer feedback, we have assessed significant interest in glycolic acid for its exfoliating potential. In line with our well-documented commitment to minimalistic ingredients and overall product safety, we thoroughly analyzed the effect of adding glycolic acid to our formula. While the change may be small, we found that it presents no drawbacks, and it may prove to be a welcome addition for some customers. In other words, never say we don’t listen to your needs!

Our Most Inclusive Exfoliant Yet 

All in all, Glycolic Alpha-Beta Exfoliant represents a compelling new chapter in the evolution of this product. It is gentle but effective, free of irritation-causing alcohol, and tolerable by a great many skin types. It features antioxidants to combat free radicals and botanical oils to replenish the skin. It hydrates as it exfoliates. And it leaves the skin looking smoother and brighter with weekly use, enhancing the impression of youthfulness.

Because we’re eager to get this excellent new product into as many hands as possible, we’re launching Glycolic Alpha-Beta Exfoliant at a special promotional rate of 30% OFF. This is a limited time treat for our first adopters, so lock in your order before it goes away!

Existing users of Alpha-Beta Exfoliant can rest easy knowing that this essential element of their routine is here to stay. New users can shop confidently knowing they are getting an exfoliant with the most up-to-date ingredient profile available. And skeptics still deciding whether exfoliation has a place in their routine may finally rejoice: as the most effective and thoughtfully considered exfoliant on the market, Glycolic Alpha-Beta Exfoliant is the choice for you. Be sure to leave us a review and tell us how it measures up to the original!

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