spots timer droplet-surface droplets directional hair surface shine texture shield dry-sensitive fine-lines flaky-dull lash-brow lg-pores lines-tight oily redness reverse-aging tzone wrinkles
Get Your Glow On!

Get Your Glow On!

Posted by Brendan Leonard on Mar 29th 2022

If you read skincare articles or beauty magazines, you may hear the word “glow” or “glowing” quite a bit in reference to the quality of someone’s skin. There is potentially the inclination to take this descriptor literally, hence all these photoshopped pictures of movie stars with luminescent skin, or social media face “enhancers” that make your eyes cartoonishly big and skin appear radiant. 

At Skin Actives Scientific, we find all of that to be a bit weird frankly!

It seems pretty clear to us that when you are describing someone with “glowing” skin it’s sort of an analogy. It’s that feeling of health and vitality that (here we go), radiates off of someone. It’s a poetic way of speaking and there is nothing wrong with that, we could all use a little more beauty in this world.

Do you have to literally glow, to have glowing skin? Absolutely not! (But someone should really tell the people who are trying to “polish” their skin to a sheen of glass or get the “glazed doughnut” look!) Sometimes an analogy is just an analogy. It’s not meant to make you feel bad or to, heaven forbid, get you to try and make your skin do something that is literally impossible.

A few years back when Skin Actives was reorganizing some of our products, we landed on the name Glowing to describe our starter line, our combination skin line, our all purpose, practical line. 

We think that GLOWING is about health. We think it’s about starting your skin care journey, no matter where you are in life. We think it’s about letting the real you shine through. 

We think it’s about the beauty of you as a person.

Products For Glowing Skin 

What do you need to get started with glowing skin? We think that we make it really easy at Skin Actives Scientific.

A person could be coming to skin care for the first time at any point in their life. Maybe you are a bit older and have been putting off skin care. Maybe you are entering adolescence and want your skin to maintain its youthful vitality for as long as possible. Maybe you are a man and have been told your whole life you don’t need things like skin care, but you’re starting to think maybe you do.

The Skin Actives Glowing line of products is a great place to start. 

Every product in our Glowing line is a workhorse. Every one is a foundational product. If you, or anyone you know has ever thought about starting a skincare routine, this is the perfect place. 

Building a Routine For Glowing Skin

If you wanted to create your own skincare routine entirely out of our Glowing line of products, we’re very glad to say that you totally can! Take a look.

But first, let’s take things back to basics for a second here.

The vast majority of skincare routines have two elements, a day routine (usually completed in the morning after a shower), and a night routine (usually completed directly before lying down for bed).

There are similar components that go into both, but then specific ones that stand out and define each.

Let’s begin.

The steps common to both day and night will be as follows:

Daily Cleansing Gel - Any good skincare routine starts with a cleanse. This is a step that should be completed first thing and at both the day and night steps of your beginner routine. Cleansing is important for a couple of reasons. 

Over the course of the day your skin picks up all sorts of pollution from the environment that surrounds you. This can be from literal dust in the wind, to the grime that you accidentally press into your skin when you absentmindedly scratch a small itch on your eyebrow. Also, your skin is creating its own pollution. Skin cells are dying and regenerating and sloughing off, and those dead cells are rolling around looking for a nice pore to fall into and clog. 

Clearing your skin of this surface level detritus should be the first step in your skincare routine. Use water that is warm but not hot to help make your skin malleable. Wash, but don’t scrub, you don’t need to hurt yourself to be healthy. Daily Cleansing Gel makes for a delightful lather that will leave your face feeling clean and light and ready for the next step.

Hyaluronic Acid Serum with EGF - Overall, your second step in a basic skincare routine is what a lot of people refer to as the “serum step”. This is when you are going to want to apply water based serums. It’s important to note right here that these serums are water based for a reason. If you apply oils at this point you will be creating a barrier that is impermeable by water based serums in further steps. So you won’t be maximizing your skin’s ability to get what it needs. 

For this step we recommend Hyaluronic Acid Serum with EGF. This next generation anti-aging serum combines hydration with everyone’s favorite buzz-worthy active (hyaluronic acid) with the cutting edge cell regenerative abilities and anti-aging potential of epidermal growth factor. There’s some antioxidant power in this serum as well, just for good measure.

Revitalizing Nutrient Cream - The next step in a basic skincare routine would be to “lock in” the serum step with a nice cream. A cream is by nature, a formulated blend of both water based and oil based components and so it’s great for holding in the serums you applied previously while also adding in active ingredients that can only be suspended in oil.

Skin Actives Revitalizing Nutrient Cream is basically a feast of vitamins, nutrients and mitochondrial components for your skin. We know that the key to taking care of our bodies is to get the nutrients we need. Just like if you were to eat too much junk food and then feel tired out and unfocused, your skin needs specific vitamins and nutrients to perform at its peak. Putting on some Revitalizing Nutrient Cream before you head out for the day, or before you go to bed will mean that your skin is never lacking the vital fuels and components to do what it needs to do.

The Best Plan For Glowing Skin

While what we have looked at already is a great place to start on its own, you can create a little more customization for morning and night with the following added steps.

Both of these steps will take place after you apply Hyaluronic Acid, but before you apply Revitalizing Nutrient Cream.

Morning Step - Antioxidant Serum - All day long you are being exposed to antioxidants. Some are created by your own skin, others are created by the environment around you. While your body makes its own antioxidants to fight signs of physical aging, your environment may add more that overwhelm your natural systems leading to fine lines and wrinkles.

In the morning add an additional layer of antioxidant protection with Skin Actives’ Antioxidant Serum. Less is more here, as a little goes a very long way! Put a small drop between your fingers and rub them together making the oil thin and emollient. Then apply a delicate layer to the areas of your face that get the most sun. We recommend your cheekbones, the edges of your mouth and your forehead. Then continue on with your morning routine.

Night Step - Vitamin A Serum - Retinoids fight blemishes but are known for their harsh side effects. Skin Actives Vitamin A Serum is formulated with a very mild retinol so that you can avoid embarrassing blemishes without damaging your skin or encountering the serious side effects associated with prescription drugs.

However! The use of any retinol will make your skin more sensitive to UV light. This is why the Vitamin A Serum step is at night. Skin exposed to daylight while using a full-strength retinol has an increased chance of sunburn, so be careful. Apply Vitamin A Serum as part of your night routine, cleanse in the morning, and always remember to wear sunscreen before venturing out into the light of day.

That’s all we have here folks! Thanks for stopping by once again and reading the Skin Actives blog.

We’ll be back Friday with another skincare blog just for you. See you then Skin Actives Family!