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7 Tips For Glowing Skin | Skin Actives

7 Tips For Glowing Skin | Skin Actives

Posted by Susan Katz on Jun 14th 2023

Do you want glowing skin? Glowing skin is what everyone strives for these days. Here at Skin Actives, we always chuckle about “glowing” skin.  As Dr. Hannah Sivak, our founder, always says, skin doesn’t glow.  But what is everyone talking about then?  Having a flawless and glowing complexion is about having healthy-looking skin. Let’s face it, healthy skin is the goal because when skin looks healthy, it is healthy and you look good. It reflects our overall health and wellness. A healthy complexion indicates that the body and skin are functioning correctly and is essential for general well-being. Conversely, a dull, blemished, or irritated complexion can indicate a variety of underlying health issues.

Therefore, achieving a healthy complexion should be considered a priority. Here are 7 tips to get that healthy glow that you want.

7 Tips For Glowing Skin

Tip #1: Hydration is Key

Hydration is one of the most important factors in achieving a flawless and glowing complexion. It is essential to drink enough water to keep our bodies and skin hydrated and healthy. When we are dehydrated, our skin becomes dry, dull, and prone to breakouts. Experts recommend drinking 8-10 glasses of water per day, but this may vary depending on our body weight and level of physical activity. Apart from drinking plain water, we can also incorporate foods that are high in water content into our diets. Fruits and vegetables such as watermelon, cucumber, celery, and strawberries are excellent sources of water and can help keep our bodies hydrated and skin glowing.

In addition to hydration through water intake, we can also hydrate our skin directly with moisturizers and facial sprays. Try one of our moisturizers, such as the Ultimate Moisturizing Cream or Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizer.  For extra hydration, try the Anti-Aging Hydramist.

Tip #2: Pamper Your Skin with Regular Exfoliation

Exfoliation is an essential step in any skincare routine to achieve a smooth complexion. Regular exfoliation removes dead skin cells that can clog pores and lead to dull, uneven skin tone. Exfoliating our skin also helps to stimulate the production of new skin cells, revealing brighter, smoother, and healthier-looking skin.

There are two types of exfoliation: physical and chemical. Physical exfoliation involves using a gentle scrub, like our Enzymatic Exfoliation Powder to manually remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. Chemical exfoliation involves using alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs) to dissolve dead skin cells, like our Glycolic Alpha Beta Exfoliant. When it comes to physical exfoliation, it is important to be gentle and not overdo it. Over-exfoliating can lead to irritation and damage to the skin.

Start with a lower concentration and gradually increase as your skin becomes accustomed. We recommend exfoliating once a week.

Tip #3: Get Enough Sleep for a Healthy Glow

Getting enough sleep is crucial for your overall health and well-being, and it is also essential for achieving a healthy and glowing complexion. When you sleep, your body goes into repair mode, healing any damage caused by environmental factors such as pollution and sun exposure.

Lack of sleep can result in dark circles under the eyes, puffiness, and a dull complexion. When you do not get enough sleep, your body produces more cortisol, the hormone responsible for stress. This can lead to inflammation and accelerate aging, resulting in fine lines and wrinkles.

One of the best ways to ensure you get enough sleep is to establish a regular sleep schedule. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Avoid using electronic devices before bedtime and create a relaxing bedtime routine such as taking a warm bath or reading a book. In addition to establishing a regular sleep schedule, it is also important to create a sleep-conducive environment. Make sure your bedroom is dark, quiet, and cool.

Tip #4: Use Sun Protection to Prevent Damage

One of the biggest culprits of skin damage is the sun. While some sun exposure is necessary for your body to produce vitamin D, overexposure can lead to sunburn, premature aging, and even skin cancer. To prevent damage from the sun, it is crucial to incorporate sun protection into your daily skincare routine.

Here are some tips for using sun protection:

  1. Choose the right sunscreen: Look for a broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB rays, and has an SPF of at least 30, like our Advanced Protection Sunscreen.
  2. Apply enough sunscreen: Use at least one ounce of sunscreen to cover your entire body, and apply it 15 minutes before sun exposure.
  3. Reapply sunscreen regularly: Reapply sunscreen every two hours, or more often if you are sweating or swimming.
  4. Wear protective clothing: Cover up with clothing, hats, and sunglasses to further protect your skin from UV rays.

By using sun protection, you can prevent damage to your skin and maintain a flawless, glowing complexion. Make it a habit to apply sunscreen every day, and wear protective clothing when spending time outdoors. Your skin will thank you for it in the long run.

Tip #5: Eat a Balanced Diet for Skin Health

What you eat can have a significant impact on the health of your skin. A balanced diet rich in essential nutrients can help promote a healthy, glowing complexion. Here are some foods to include in your diet for healthy skin:

  1. Fruits and vegetables: These are rich in vitamins and antioxidants that protect against skin damage and promote collagen production.
  2. Omega-3 fatty acids: Found in fatty fish, chia seeds, and walnuts, omega-3 fatty acids help keep skin hydrated and reduce inflammation.
  3. Whole grains: Whole grains provide a source of fiber that can help promote regular bowel movements, which can help with the elimination of toxins and waste products from the body.

On the other hand, some foods can negatively impact skin health. Limit your intake of processed foods, sugar, and fried foods, which can contribute to inflammation and breakouts. By eating a balanced diet, you can support skin health and achieve the complexion you desire.

Tip #6: Keep Stress Levels Under Control

Stress can take a toll on both your physical and mental health, including your skin. High levels of stress can contribute to the development of skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis, as well as accelerate skin aging. To keep your stress levels under control and promote healthy skin, here are some tips to follow:

  1. Practice relaxation techniques: Meditation, yoga, deep breathing, or even taking a relaxing bath can help reduce stress levels.
  2. Exercise regularly: Exercise is a great way to release tension and boost endorphins, which can improve your mood and reduce stress.
  3. Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep can contribute to stress levels and affect skin health. Aim to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
  4. Prioritize self-care: Make time for activities that you enjoy and relax you, such as reading, listening to music, or taking a walk in nature.

By keeping your stress levels under control and prioritizing self-care, you can improve your skin health and overall well-being.

Tip #7: Incorporate High-Quality Skincare Products

In addition to following a consistent skincare routine and keeping stress levels under control, incorporating the right skincare routine can also help achieve a flawless and glowing complexion. Skin Actives has a skincare routine made just for accomplishing that “glowy” look. 

Skin Actives Glowing Collection is a meticulously formulated lineup of skincare essentials designed to promote a radiant and healthy complexion. This collection features the Daily Cleansing Gel, Antioxidant Serum, Vitamin A Serum, Hyaluronic Acid Serum with EGF, and Revitalizing Nutrient Cream.

Skincare Routine For Glowing Skin

Begin your daily routine by cleansing your skin with the Daily Cleansing Gel, gently removing impurities while maintaining essential moisture. Follow up with the Antioxidant Serum daily, a powerful blend of vitamins and antioxidants that combats free radicals and supports overall skin health. Antioxidant Serum is one of our most popular products for a reason, it works!

At night, apply the Vitamin A Serum to promote cell turnover and improve skin texture, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Our Vitamin A products use a more gentle form of retinol that works without causing sensitivity. However, you should still do a patch test and start slowly until your skin is accustomed to it.

Follow with the Hyaluronic Acid Serum with EGF, which deeply hydrates the skin and stimulates collagen production for a plump and youthful complexion. Pro-tip, apply to damp skin so the hyaluronic acid absorbs that moisture instead of taking it from your skin.

Finish off your routine at night by applying the Revitalizing Nutrient Cream, enriched with nourishing ingredients to restore and rejuvenate your skin. This nutrient-packed cream provides optimal moisture and nutrients to support overall skin health, leaving you with a radiant and glowing complexion.

Incorporating the Skin Actives Glowing Collection into your daily skincare routine will help you achieve clean, healthy, and beautifully nourished skin that exudes a natural and vibrant glow. Explore the full collection and discover the transformative power of these carefully formulated products. Glowing skin is possible!