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What is Pilling and How To Avoid Pilling of Your Skincare Products?

What is Pilling and How To Avoid Pilling of Your Skincare Products?

Posted by Susan Katz on Apr 12th 2023

Here at the Skin Actives headquarters in sunny Gilbert, Arizona, we have gotten several calls on how to eliminate pilling so we thought we would do a blog post on the topic. 

What is Pilling?

Pilling, the annoying phenomenon when skincare products ball up and clump together, can be frustrating and make it difficult to apply makeup smoothly. Pilling can happen with our products but it is not unique to Skin Actives.  Our products have more active ingredients in them than most products you purchase in stores, so we may be a little more susceptible to pilling than those other products.  But there is always a solution. You just need to figure out what works for you.

What Causes Pilling?

Skincare products can pill due to a variety of reasons. One of the most common reasons is the interaction between the ingredients in the products. Some ingredients can form a film on the skin, while others can cause friction or create clumps. When these ingredients interact with each other, they can ball up and form tiny clumps, leading to pilling.

Another reason why skincare products pill is due to the texture of the product. Products with thick or heavy textures can be more likely to pill, especially when they are applied on top of each other. Additionally, using too much of a product can also cause it to ball up and pill, as the excess product cannot be absorbed into the skin and instead clumps up.

Some other external factors such as humidity, temperature, and rubbing or touching the skin can also cause pilling. When the skin is moist or wet, it can create a slippery surface that causes products to ball up. Similarly, if the skin is hot or if there is friction or rubbing during application, it can cause the products to pill.

5 Tips to Reduce Pilling in Your Daily Skincare Routine

But fear not, there are ways to prevent pilling when applying skincare products before makeup. Here are five tips to help you avoid this issue:

  1. Allow Time for Absorption: To avoid pilling, it's essential to give your skincare products time to absorb into your skin before applying makeup. Wait at least 5-10 minutes after applying each product before moving on to the next one. Patience and a little adjustment to your morning routine may help alleviate that dreading pilling.
  2. Layer Thinnest to Thickest: When applying multiple skincare products, start with the thinnest consistency and work your way up to the thickest. For example, you can start with a toner like the Skin Actives Vitamin C Toner or High Potency EGF Spray, then move on to a serum like the Collagen Serum, followed by a moisturizer like the Skin Actives Ultimate Moisturizing Cream. Or try using a ligher day cream in the morning and a heavier moisturizing cream at night. This will help the products absorb better and prevent pilling.
  3. Don't Overapply: Using too much of a product can cause it to ball up and pill. Use only the recommended amount of each skincare product and spread it evenly on your skin. This is especially good advice for oil-based serums like Every Lipid Serum. You only need to place 2-3 drops in your palm, rub your palms together, and gently pat onto face. 
  4. Use Compatible Formulations: Certain skincare product formulations may not work well together and can cause pilling. For example, mixing a water-based serum like the Skin Actives Collagen Serum with ROS Bionet and Apocynin with an oil-based serum can lead to pilling. Stick to using products with compatible formulations if you don’t have time to wait 5-10 minutes in between layers.
  5. Use a Makeup Primer: Using a makeup primer can help create a barrier between your skincare products and makeup, preventing pilling. Although we don’t offer a makeup primer, we hear our Hyaluronic Acid Serum with EGF makes a great primer.

To Prevent pilling when applying skincare products before makeup requires patience, layering products in the right order, not over-applying, using compatible formulations, and using a makeup primer. Incorporating these tips into your skincare routine can help ensure a smooth and flawless application of makeup.

So, experiment and have fun with your morning skincare routine. You may need to adjust routine at different times of the year based on the weather and your skin condition.  Skincare is not a one size fits all, all the time. 

Have any other solutions? We would love to hear from you.  Join our Facebook group and share your most valuable skincare tips.